Club uniform

Our club uniform comprises tops in red with white trim and options of singlets, t-shirts or crop tops are available.  All tops have the club logo on the front and "Athletics Whangarei" printed on the reverse.  We also have a blue and white tracksuit, similarly printed, which can be purchased whole or either top or bottom individually. The club contributes to the cost of the uniform items so they are reasonably priced with various sizes available to cater for all.

Uniforms are available through the club at the following prices:

  • Junior t-shirt (must be worn at junior track and field night) - $12.00
  • Singlets/t-shirts (either can be worn for competition, crop top alternative available) - $30.00. Click here for image. 
  • Tracksuit top - $45.00
  • Tracksuit bottoms - $35.00
  • The singlet/t-shirt/crop top is the club's offcial uniform which members are expected to purchase (it is to be worn for championships and representing the club). The tracksuit is an optional item.
  • The official t-shirts for junior track and field need to be worn for club nights and of course any NZCAA events (Colgate Games, Athletics Northland Championships etc.).


Athletics Whangarei
PO Box 680
Whangarei 0140

ph. 436 1345 or 027 633 4777

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